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Warning to shareholders

We always have the best interests of our shareholders at heart. That includes helping you protect your investment in CPP against a rise in share buying scams. With this in mind, we recommend extra care should be taken if you receive an unrequested approach from a broker about your shares.


General information

Please be aware that there has been an increase in share fraud and boiler room scams where investors receive unsolicited telephone calls from fraudulent companies, typically overseas based ‘brokers’, offering to buy shares in Companies, including CPP. We would like to advise shareholders to be vigilant of any unsolicited advice, offers to buy shares at a discount or offers of free company reports. While they promise high returns, those who invest usually end up losing their money. Please see the information below on what you should do if you are contacted in this manner.


How to protect yourself

Make sure you get the correct name of the person and organisation and make a record of any other information they give you e.g. telephone number, address etc.

Check that they are properly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (“the FCA”) before getting involved by visiting and contacting the firm using the details on the register.

Report the matter to the FCA either by calling 0800 111 6768 or visiting if the call persists hang up.