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Governance structures

The Board has adopted the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (‘QCA Code’) which provides a flexible but rigorous outcome-orientated framework that we believe is well suited to the Group.

An overview of how the Group currently complies with each of the ten principles of the QCA Code is given in our Corporate Governance Statement. Further details may be found in our Annual Report & Accounts.

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Monitoring policies and standards

Supported by its committee structure, the Board devotes quality time to monitoring the Group’s performance and the application of Group policies and standards across the Group.

The Group has Policies in place, which establish standards for processes across the Group; these are reflected in business unit specific policies and procedures which in totality create a framework for process and control across the Group.

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Risk management framework

The Board devotes a section of its standing agenda to the oversight of the Group’s risk position, dedicating time to considering the most notable current and emerging risks along across the Group along with assessing and challenging management’s mitigation plans.

The Group has a framework for the identification and management of risk which is in use across all business units, as well as for specific projects and areas of significant change (e.g., the Change Management Plan). This is combined with the regular reviews of each entities risk position and mitigating controls along with challenge and assurance oversight from the Group’s Risk and Assurance functions, and independent review by Internal Audit. A collated view of the Group’s Risk position is presented to the Board along with entity specific and activity risk reports as appropriate.

The governance framework

  • The Board comprises seven Directors – the Chairman, three Executive Directors and two Independent Non-Executive Directors and one Non-Independent Non-Executive Director.

    Membership at 18 November 2024:

    CPP David Morrison

    David Morrison

    Simon Thompson CPP

    Simon Thompson

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
    Jeremy CPP

    Jeremy Miller

    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Simon Pyper CPP

    Simon Pyper

    Chief Executive Officer
    David Bowling CPP

    David Bowling

    Chief Financial Officer
    Alice Glenister

    Alice Glenister

    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Eleanor Sykes

    Eleanor Sykes

    Group Chief Operations Officer
    Meetings held in 2023:

    Seven, along with seven additional ad hoc Board meetings

    Key matters reserved for the Board:

    • responsibility for the overall leadership of the Group and setting the Group’s values and standards;
    • approval of the Group’s long-term ambitions, objectives and commercial strategy;
    • material changes to the Group’s corporate structure, including any acquisitions or disposals;
    • ensuring maintenance of a sound system of internal control and risk management;
    • approval of annual and half-year results and trading updates;
    • approval of the annual financial budget;
    • approval of the dividend policy; and
    • material capital investments.


  • Key objectives:
    To assist the Board in discharging its duties and responsibilities for financial reporting and internal financial control.

    Membership at 31 December 2023:

    Jeremy CPP

    Jeremy Miller

    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Simon Thompson CPP

    Simon Thompson

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
    CPP David Morrison

    David Morrison

    Meetings held in 2023: Six


  • Key objectives:

    Recommend to the Board the remuneration of the Chairman, Executive Directors, Company Secretary and senior management.

    Membership at 31 December 2023:

    Simon Thompson CPP

    Simon Thompson

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
    CPP David Morrison

    David Morrison

    Jeremy CPP

    Jeremy Miller

    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Meetings held in 2023: Eight


  • Key objectives:

    To assist the Chairman in keeping the composition of the Board under review and to lead the appointment process for nominations to the Board and other Board Committees, always having regard to best practice in corporate governance standards.

    Membership at 31 December 2023:

    CPP David Morrison

    David Morrison

    Simon Thompson CPP

    Simon Thompson

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
    Jeremy CPP

    Jeremy Miller

    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Meetings held in 2023: Three


Purple and pink balloons
Meet the CPPGroup Plc Board and Executive Management Committee.
Purple flower
We are committed to contributing to a sustainable future for our communities.